
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Memorize the Books of the New Testament

Loci Method for Memorizing the Books of the New Testament

1.  You're at Art Dye Park, and there is a baseball game going on.  Instead of last names on their jerseys, the players have their first names.  You notice that up to bat is a man named Matthew.  The bases are loaded with Mark, Luke, and John.
Of course, Matthew hits the ball out of the park, and all four men make it safely home.
[Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John]
M, M, L, J

That ends the game. 

You walk away and there leaning against a tree is an ax [Acts]. 

 You decide to walk over to the playground equipment, but on your way you notice some chickens running around on the grass.

They are all red chickens and they are all clucking --
Red Chickens Clucking!
[Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians]
R, C, C

You look around, and not too far away is a Goose Eating Potato Chips! 

[Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians] 

G, E, P, C

A new baseball game has begun and you can see and hear the cheerleaders.
They are cheering. ..  Thes, Thes, Tim, Tim, Ti! 

They are cheering. ..  Thes, Thes, Tim, Tim, Ti! 

T, T, T, T, T
[1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus]

Wow!  There is a lot going on in the park today.
You look another direction and see an outdoor wrestling match.

It's Philemon verses James.
Who wins?
Why it's Philemon!  He bruises (Hebrews) James! 
[Philemon, Hebrews, James]
P, H, J

What does James do after losing the wrestling match?
He goes home and puts on six pairs of  P.J's (many J's!) because he is cold!

P, P, J, J, J, J 
[1 Peter, 2 Peter
1 John, 2 John, 3 John

By the end of the day, it's been a Revelation to you how many things go on at Art Dye Park!

Adapted from this video:
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video - loci method:

word strips:



Bible Timeline Card Games:

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