Week 2: Jesus Christ can heal the sick.
Encourage understanding: Divide the children into groups. Ask a teacher in each group to read or tell a scripture story in which Jesus heals someone, such as two blind men (Matthew 9:27–31), an invalid (John 5:1–9), the ten lepers (Luke 17:12–19), or the nobleman’s son (John 4:46–53). Invite the children to draw pictures to illustrate the story. You may ask a few children to share their pictures and stories with the whole Primary. As they share their story, invite them to imagine how the people Jesus healed may have felt. Invite the children to share their pictures with their families at home.
Senior Primary --The children could act out the situation?
Matthew 9
28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
John 5 -- [prepare a bedroll]
2 Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches.
3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water.
4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had.
6 When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?
7 The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me.
9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.
Luke 17
12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off:
14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.
15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,
John 4
46 So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judæa into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.
50 Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.
52 Then inquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
53 So the father knew that it was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and himself believed, and his whole house.
Adding one more story
Matthew 8
Adding one more story
Matthew 8
8 The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am notworthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.
9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.
10 When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.
13 And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.
Mark 7: 31-37
31 ¶And again, departing from the coasts of Tyre and
Sidon, he came unto the sea of Galilee, through the midst
of the coasts of Decapolis.
32 And they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had
an impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put
his hand upon him.
33 And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his
fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue;
35 And straightway his ears were opened, and the string
of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.
36 And he charged them that they should tell no man: but
the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal
they published it;
Week 3: Jesus Christ has power over death.
Encourage understanding: Invite some ward members to come to Primary and briefly tell the following stories as though they were witnesses to the events: the raising of Lazarus (John 11:1–45); the raising of Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:21–24, 35–43); the raising of the widow’s son (Luke 7:11–16); and the Resurrection(John 20:1–18). The ward members could wear simple costumes, such as a head scarf or robe. Encourage them to testify that Jesus Christ has power over death and that each of us will be resurrected.
Lazarus -- 8 minutes
Jairus's daughter
https://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/jesus-raises-the-daughter-of-jairus?lang=eng -- 3 minutes +
Widow's Son -- widow of Nain -- 2 minutes 22 seconds
The Resurrection -- Carlos Adams
Call Gina for Times --
Maritza Larson
Called Sheila Hunt -- left message Lazarus?
Called C.J. Carroll -- left message daughter of Jairus?
Lazarus -- 8 minutes
Jairus's daughter
https://www.lds.org/bible-videos/videos/jesus-raises-the-daughter-of-jairus?lang=eng -- 3 minutes +
Widow's Son -- widow of Nain -- 2 minutes 22 seconds
The Resurrection -- Carlos Adams
Call Gina for Times --
Maritza Larson
Called Sheila Hunt -- left message Lazarus?
Called C.J. Carroll -- left message daughter of Jairus?
435 790 4000
Ok -- Adams, Carlos
Week 4: Miracles come to those who have faith.
Introduce the doctrine: Write on the board Doctrine and Covenants 63:9: “But, behold, faith cometh not by signs, but signs follow those that believe.” Explain that the word signs in this scripture can also mean miracles.Have the children stand and read the scripture aloud together. Point out the word faith. Explain that miracles are not always dramatic events and that we must first have faith, and then we will recognize miracles in our lives. Also explain that even though we have faith, we will still experience sorrow, pain, and suffering, but God is aware of our needs and will care for us.
Encourage understanding: Tell in your own words the story of Moses asking Pharaoh to let God’s people go out of Egypt (Exodus 7–10). Before beginning the story, invite the children to practice making sounds or actions to go with some of the plagues. For example, the children could move their arms and make a sound like a river, scratch all over to represent lice, moo like a cow, or moan to represent the boils. Have the children listen closely as you tell the story. Tell them that when you raise your hand they can make the sound or movement to represent the plague you are telling about, and when you lower your hand they should stop. After you tell about each plague, tell the children that Pharaoh still refused to let the people go. Pharaoh saw many miracles and signs, but he would not believe in God. Contrast this story with an example where faith produced a miracle (for example, Elijah and the widow of Zarephath, Daniel and the lions, the brother of Jared, or Nephi and Lehi in prison). If time allows, let the children come up with actions that go along with the story.
- rod to serpent -- hiss
- river turned to blood -- move their arms and make a sound like a river
- frogs -- frog sound
- lice -- -- scratch all over to represent lice
- swarms of flies
- cattle die -- includes horses, etc. camels, oxen, sheep -- moo like a cow
- boils --moan to represent the boils.
- hail and fire -- beans in a tin can?
- locusts --- clicking teeth to represent locust eating all the crops
- darkness -- hold hands in front of themselves as if feeling their way through the darkness
- death of firstborn -- one loud exhale as if it is the last
Encourage Understanding
As children act out scripture stories, they are able to remember and understand them better.
Encourage application: Invite one or two families in the ward to share how miracles have blessed them when they have had faith in Jesus Christ. (Ask the families well in advance so they have time to prepare.) Testify that as we have faith, we will see miracles in our lives.
Song of your choice from the Children’s Songbook