
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Institute 3-31-15

Do we have to obey the commandments to go to the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom?

Yes                 No             Abstain
20                   12              1

And other Institute notes from the Green Stickie!

March 31, 2015
April the 13th --
John 6:22
releasing them from the Mosaic Law
Verse 21 -- miraculous
What is making people so ANGRY with Him?

Do we have to obey the commandments to go to the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom?
Yes                 No             Abstain
20                   12               1
What is it that Jesus is doing for us?

Explain your position to someone else based on the standard works and teachings of the living prophets.

verse 28-29 the essence is belief

looking back at Manna
Jesus is the manna
Jesus is also the Passover
manna -- pascal lamb
into sacrament 

No salvific power in you or in me --
easy believism

What does it mean to believe --
Does it mean that you will obey the commandments?
How does fallibility fit in?

What does it mean to obey?


Alma and Lehi
without the Atonement -- no hope

How does this fit with what we become? 
partake of the bread - what we become 

The Living Christ 
As we commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we offer our testimony of the reality of His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice. None other has had so profound an influence upon all who have lived and will yet live upon the earth.

Since [-- think of better wording --the beginning], Satan has twisted perceptions of  our God-ordained sexual desires in attempts to destroy God's plan.  

Institute 3-10-15
The Fundamentals == fundamentalism --- 1920
science over prophets

bottom line -- KEYS MATTER
Matthew 9:9
Matthew's response to the call
tax farming
Elder Faust -- What about your political connections (Democratic)  -- I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican -- I'm an apostle of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 6:6
   an errant placement of attention on things that really are not embedded in salvation. 

Mercy does not demand the abandonment of common sense -- It demands mercy.

Cold-heartedness is not Christianity.

Luke 8: 41  Capernaum

Daughter on the brink of adulthood
married 12-14
on average 5 pregnancies
average lifespan 28 
not literate 
the next generation depends on her 
has the love of her father

network of women
network of men
network of families

legend -- Veronica 
blood can equal death, but blood can equal life

The need to turn to Christ -- whose blood will bring life
One must be separate to -- separated from the world
at the forefront of our minds
cut away from the world

may be the most dramatic example of healing someone and bringing them back into normalcy
cultural severance
Middle East not a culture of lines -- 

Virtue -- power
Power in Christ

Ted Gibbons -- 
In spite of the throngs, Jesus knows your individual needs.
"Despite the universal throngs, Jesus knows my individual needs."

Jesus senses the ones

cleansing of sins associated with the font -- can be too closely
From where does the cleansing come?

Luke 8: 27-33  Legion of devils cast out
between this portion of Luke 8 and the last portion of Luke 8:  a foil
no clothes
no home 
lived in the tombs
kept bound in chains and in fetters
driven into the wilderness

legion 6000 soldiers

Where association with the adversary takes you.

a place for you at the feet of Jesus -- discipleship
sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind:

Luke 8:47 -
the text is virtue and faith

Two stories put side by side --
like a string of pearls -- relational -- stories

woman cleansing the Savior's feet

Matthew 11:280-30
Hebrew Brit 
concept of covenant
Old and New Testament
   1) selection process by God
 agrarian -- selecting a portion of the field, animal husbandry
  cutting covenants 
     Genesis -- Abraham's first vision experience
     When you cut a check, you care communicating that the check is good -- if not good, you come back and cut my throat
   a cutting away from 
   2)   cutting away
   3) fettering -- chaining to -- yoking to 
           if. . . . going where the Messiah is going
4) Promise -- You will be made better through the relationship.

could also approach -- the labor of Christ allows you to sleep well at night
the labor of the world leaves you without rest
the guilty fleeth when no one pursues
no rest for the wicked 

covenants make your load lighter

Matthew 12:10
withered hand
a plot, a test, a ruse

life or death -- the mandate of the sabbath is suspended 
Pharisees -- the sabbath become the ultimate expression of their religiosity

Shift the nature of the code -- Matthew 12:12
lawful to do good

President Kimball's sabbath lists 
mid 80's shift of tone -- early to mid 90's 
Elder Oaks -- stop making lists
stop teaching with lists

proscriptive vs. nonproscriptive

Jesus has created a courtroom -- takes control 
Jesus is the leader of the Jews
What is the law
states the law
heals the man
Pharisees hold council to destroy him
a mini Sanhedrin
healed them all  (another 3rd Nephi 17)

Isaiah 42 first servant poem
Isaiah 49 servant poem -- bruised reed --
most decripit can be fanned back to life by Jesus Christ

Luke -- 
all you have to do is watch the father
the earth does not come to standstill 
I do only what I see the Father do 
The Father words on the Sabbath
work that does well
I am doing only what I see the Father do


Institute 3-3-15
Notes on Class:
Matthew 8
Galatian 2:16 - 21 "I do not frustrate the grace of God"
His perfection is stationary.  Our imperfections are cleansed when we are brought to Him. 

Healing, etc. activated by faith
Tad Callister -- The Priesthood in the Boy

Jesus is complimenting the man and making a statement about the level of faith within Israel

Matthew 8:16 The Healings at Evening
Luke and Mark -- 
the Savior gathered all the people of a significant Galilean village -- the village He called His own -- and said "Have you any sick. . . .bring them. . . .. "
Matthew 4:24
many -- 
synagogue at Capernaum - village -- bigger than Nazareth -- maybe around a thousand- two thousand

Matthew 8:17 Isaiah and King Benjamin 
The other side is east. 

Jordan -- flow down from Dan  -- springs
a lot of soldiers  in that area

getting out of town -- 
Luke 8 
Mark 4:35
D&C 100:1 
for missionaries serving in the field
D&C 31: 
Matthew 10:37

Psalm 65:7, 89:9, 107:29
Master, the Tempest is Raging -- 
prophetically prescribed Messianic signs
Revelation 12:12 . . . .  he knoweth that he hath but short time.
D&c 76:32-38
an eternal timetable
to torment us before the time  
Luke 8:31

they besought him that he would depart out of theirbcoasts.
gentile -
cities of Decopolis -- a day's drive
cities in Wyoming a hundred miles apart -- steam engine to next need to get water
infusing Greco-Roman culture right in the middle of the Jewish society
hypodrome -- racing horses
on the Gentile side of the lake

a manifestation of power will not necessarily bring one to the Kingdom -- if independent of faith
D&C 63
bigger than calming water -- sentient beings
If you bring not faith to the table, you reject it.
Power and Faith have to come together or the power just an interesting curiosity -- not something that brings you to salvation.
Luke 8:37

after the pigs -- 
Luke 7:11  Widow of Nain
New Testament story overlaid over Old Testament Story
about 25 miles from Capernaum
must have walked in part through the night

family line -- name gone
social situation
legal standing

 16 And there came a afear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath bvisited his people.

How do I respond to manifestations of power?
Do I bring great faith to the table?

This woman is saved in so many ways.

Preparation Notes: 

Institute  2-23-15
leprosy -- 
leprosy a curse from God (as is a barren woman)
(extensive also -- cleansing after contact with dead body -- water filtered through the ashes of a red heifer) -- overcoming death the biggest deal that the Gospel brings to the table -- 
without --- terminally cut off ritually 

ritual cleansing
shaving -- outside camp
birds -- wrapped in scarlet 
another bird washed in the water
set free
Jesus the Christ 199-201  Hansen's Disease, but could cover many other maladies
Home can have leprosy
Matthew 8:   a year into his mission
Leviticus 14

The healing in the evening  -- bring everyone who is sick and I'll heal them.  like 3 Nephi  Capernaum

Why command to tell no one?
1. keep the former leper from being denounced as a heretic
2. protect the interests of those who are converting to follow Christ
3. Jesus is going to test people throughout his ministry 
       can you keep a confidence?
4. likely occurs somewhere in the area of Capernaum -- in Nazareth could not do any more miracles after a certain point
     Section 123:12   

last 6 months + of His life -- excommunicated from synagogue if follow Jesus --  Matthew 10 may have to choose between family members and the Savior (Choose me.)

 Matthew 10 --
Luke 6:12-16  Jesus prays all night prior to extending the calls
Mark 3:14-19
 apostle = one sent forth

Matthew/Levi -- where he is a tax collector 
collecting taxes at Capernaum -- trade route 
Via Maris (Way of the Sea)?  border from Philip's territory into Antipus' territory -- Nazareth -- fortified city Megiddo (armageddin -- hill of medgiddo == har Mediddon -- battle between ultimate good and ultimate evil -- temple covenants)

from Egypt to Mesopotamia --  Rivers make them the breadbaskets of the Middle East 

most likely the wealthiest of the apostles 
tax farming -- walks away -- had to give bids to Roman Empire
tax farm organization -- not the chief publican, but close to top

later chief publican -- Zachias 

Jesus to train His twelve 
Matthew 10:5 
Matthew 10:7 preach a specific message 
  the kingdom of heaven is at hand
8 You have Priesthood power -- 
9.  not in money belt
10.  in ancient world comfortable shoes are for the hoity toities -- the wealthy -- you don't need the fancy rich adornments of the wealthy people who hold religious authority 
stave -- 
Verse 19 
thrown in jail -- just a different teaching opportunity
they don't fear man -- 
Let the Spirit guide.
Apostles are going to take high-level heat -- WHEN they deliver you up

22 hated of all men for my name's sake
Bro VanDyke -- never heard anybody take a shot at Elder Perry
but all the rest. . . . . 
Pray for the first pres. and quorum of twelve -- uphold them. . . .

 24 The adisciple is not above his master, nor the servant above hislord.  (not persecuted more than me -- but akin to the persecution I will receive -- You are going to have an experience -- guilt by association - that will cost you.)

John horseman of apocalypse -- blood of martyrs under altar
James the first martyr Acts 12 

41 He that areceiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receivea prophet’s breward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in thename of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.

boxed and arrowed 
Jesus' ministry is so short -- prior to that time and after that time we are leaning on special witnesses when they are on the earth. If born in this era, would I have followed Jesus. Verse 41 gives you the answer.  The litmus test is -- how do you respond to prophetic teachings?   
D&C 1 

Sermon on the Mount an autobiography -- blueprint for our lives 
1. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!  2-12
beatus -- You will be happy if. . . . . 
 12 aRejoice, and be exceeding glad:

stairsteps -- an ascent 
counter-intuitives only born out through living it

no matter what we do, we are teaching --  we are communicating 

Paul puts in hierarchy calling in the church -- 
apostle, then teacher 
D&C 68 teach children 

When John has to use one word to describe God -- God is love.
In the middle of the sermon -- love everyone.
That is the challenge of Christianity.  

prep notes -- 
Apostle -- The word means “one sent forth.” 
D&C 107:23 The atwelve traveling councilors are called to be the Twelve bApostles, or special cwitnesses of the name of Christ in all the world—thus differing from other officers in the church in the duties of their calling.

7 previously called to leave their other business affairs and follow the Savior: 
Simon Peter

The Twelve: 



no rebellion in kingdoms of glory
celestial beings dispense what relevant to them to terrestrial
Terrestrial minister relevant -- to telestial
Section 76

No ordinances for anything but the highest degrees of the
Joseph F. Smith's explanation of resurrection -- not resurrected with capacity (nor drives) to procreate -- gender will persist

Prep: rejection of Jesus in His home village of Nazareth -

At the Great Temple in Jerusalem the annual tax levied on Jews was 1/2 shekel per male. the 1/2 shekel and shekel were not always used in everyday commerce, but were the only coins accepted by the temple.  Many taxpayers required a currency exchange, so money changers set up in the Temple court.  Jesus found this business and their shouting (advertising rates) offensive, so he threw over their tables. 
Lower Galilee   Upper Galilee where Mount Hermon is
lake 7 miles wide, 12 miles long  250 ft deep
600 ft below sea level
Galilee means circle -- down in the Jordan Rift Valley
4000 mile long 
Mountains wind comes down from funnel circle in counterclockwise  
Nazareth 20 miles removed from the lake
Valley of Jezreel -- Armageddon
fertile -- breadbasket of ancient and modern Israel
Church had the opportunity to buy 5000 acres -- Lorenzo Snow -- not money
Cana about 7 miles away from Nazareth
All waiting for the Messiah
When Jesus walked into Nazareth -- 
Most of the people are convinced they are dealing with a Messianic figure.
Luke 4:16
Earliest 1st century explanation of what happens in the synagogue = gathering place
Synagogue rises in pre-eminance when don't hvave a temple. Priestly class de-emphasized -- rabbinical class arises 
practices of synagogue brought back from Babylon 
Ezra, Nehemiah,. .  
Stand up to show deference to the word of God.
Then asked to offer commentary -- sit down to offer the commentary
booming population of about 400 (from modern archeology)
Galilee like the wild, wild west -- Herod (previous) killed a lot of Jews -- still edginess about Galilee
Herod Antipus building a new 
Josephus will exaggerate numbers 
Luke 4:17 -- scroll -- 
Isaiah  21 feet into the 26 feet of the Isaiah scroll
  servant poems -- key in on characteristics of the Messiah -- bruised and beaten, chastisement on him,
Isaiah 61
considered Messianic imposter

acceptable year of the Lord
  all others external to the possibility of salvation
  history of persecution from outsiders
  the Lord rises up and crushes the enemies of the people of Jehovah -- very vengeful
editing as he reads -- 
Middrashic -- 
Joseph Smith Translation
In the gospel of Luke, the Jews usually come out looking bad.
Luke 4:
Psalm 45 -- when He would speak -- his language gracious, imbedded in power.

Does the fuse start burning in verse 18 or verse 24?

acceptable year of the Lord -- Luke 4:19
jubilee --
every seven years Sabbath don't plant let land lie fallow -- Earth will yield year before and year after so you don't die
49th Year of jubilee 
three years of no planting 
all debt forgiven (some in Sabbath years, but in year of jubilee total leveling of cultural playing field Leviticus 
Messianic -- a way of referring to the eternal Jubilee
entire playing field leveled through the Atonement of Jesus Christ 
stoning -- hands tied behind back
cliff face 2 1/2 times height of person -- 
placing stones on the chest cavity

Capernaum -- may mean the village of Nahum (Old Testament prophet) 
a timeframe demons are aware of

vrs 34-35 -- the source matters
witness of Jesus Christ must come from genuine, sincere followers of Christ
Satan will use the knowledge to lead people astray

Luke 5 
a year into his ministry
gaining a claim in the eyes of the people as the Messiah
Gennesaret  -- heart 

Launch out into the deep -- Greek -- related to the word redemption  Luke 5:4
26-27 species of fish in the lake -- most prefer cool water 
dive deep during the day -- come up after surface waters begin to cool -- night 
The nets don't go deep enough
Will the nets that the apostolic fisherman cast go deep enough?
Is there anywhere deep enough that the Savior's  redemptive power cannot reach us?
20-30 foot long ships
Peter acknowledging Jesus as Redeemer

James and John likely cousins of Jesus
2nd call in John 21
I go a fishing. . . 
process fish -- Magdala -- where they salted the fish
prosperous village
infinite amount of salt from Dead Sea
could use salt as money
mostly sardines in jerky form
draught of fishes -- funding missionary effort? 
the Lord will call you when your nets are full
call when nets are empty
The Lord is just interested in service -- not the fullness or emptiness of nets

Sermon on the Mount  -- autobiography of Jesus Christ --
why repeated in Book of Mormon?
Matthew, Luke, 3 Nephi,  
the essense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Institute 2-10-15

Joseph Smith -- baptism not needed for any but Celestial Kingdom

Nicodemus -- something to be learned from our physical birth and growth that we can apply to 
growth in increments

D&C 29

Not ready to really employ agency correctly at age 8.


Don't put edges on something that is organic.
"Time and place folks"

John 3:8  Jesus's own description of what it means to be born again and to live by the Spirit
Ecclesiastes 11:5

Christ is the High Priest of Good Things to Come

John 3:10 -- a slap, a rebuke

Genesis 28 - Jacob's Ladder -- at Bethel --
vision -- Joseph Smith explained that that was the same vision as Joseph had Section 76 

A type or shadow of the Messianic occurance
The Son of Man must come down the ladder -- must atone, lay down his life for the sins of the universe, then be raised up and ascend into heaven. 

Bednar April 2013

Samaria capital of 10 tribes -- many stories of Old Testament

90 miles
 And he must needs go through Samaria.

Successfully Failing: Pursuing Our Quest for Perfection 
BYU President Kevin J. Worthen  January 6, 2015
 “If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?”18 . . . 

Yes, I am asking you to trust yourself more, but, more important, I am asking you to trust God. I urge you—in your moments of doubt and despair, in the times when you think you have failed and you think you can’t make it right—to focus more on Him and less on yourselves.
Too often we ask the wrong question when we fail. We ask, “Am I good enough?” But the real question is, “Is God good enough?” Is He as good as He says He is? Can He really deliver on His promise that “all things” will “work together for [our] good”30 if we will trust Him and strive to do the best we can and keep going whenever we fall short?

The mysteries of the kingdom can become a source of living water -- We can go to the throne of God boldly and supplicate Him and learn of Him.

Their temple never desecrated -- sacrifice on Passover 

D&C 63:23

 26 Jesus saith unto her, aI that speak unto thee am he.
First public declaration -- 

2nd miracle -- Nobleman's son 

48 Your faith is not sufficient.
Faith -- 
"He doesn't care what Jesus thinks about him.  More concerned about his child.  Faith."  The demands that faith may have upon you.   

the man believed the word 
or the man believed the Word

seventh hour -- 
Jewish day starts at 7 am
miracle  1:00 pm. complete light
about 5 pm into Capernum -- but  it's the next  day -- 
He wasn't worried -- Yesterday at the seventh hour  -- 
More miracles in Capernum than anywhere else
D&C 101 -- we will have Abrahamic tests 

Next week start with rejection of Jesus in His home village of Nazareth -

Notes in preparation
Luke 5
at thy word I will let down the net.
from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

27 ¶And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he said unto him, Follow me.
 28 And he left all, rose up, and followed him.

Institute  2-3-15
On September 23, 1995, in a general Relief Society meeting, President Gordon B. Hinckley introduced “The Family: A Proclamation to the World.” This proclamation from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles declares to the world the Lord’s standards and doctrines concerning the family. The proclamation also provides counsel for strengthening families and a warning about the consequences of the disintegration of families.

Open cannon

John 2 -- water to wine
priestly lens
stone and clay
temple experience in ancient Israel 
presenting the wine -- blood
John 2;9
D&C 45:3-5
spare these my brethren  -- bought them with His blood
behold the blood
Connections between the sacrificial animal and the person sacrificing it -- 
a distinct link and connection 
We see Jesus going into the moments of the sacrifice 
Don't mention the Father as much as we should
(like telling an Isaac-only narrative about Abraham sacrificing Isaac)
you worked, sweat, to raise it up
more tending to animal or crop?
Day of Atonement the day the blood would be taken before the Father
sprinkles blood of sacrificial lamb on the altar on the part of all Israel
blood being presented to the Father / Master of the Feast
acknowledges the unique status of the blood (wine)
John writing from a temple orientation
a blood story -- not a wine story
culturally -- expectations -- marriage --

John 2:13
marking the passage of time with ritual markers
based on the feasts of Judaism
Psalm 69:9
 9 For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

will cleanse the temple again -- My house a den of thieves 
eventually claiming of the House as His own
marker -- transfiguration

Agora -- marketplace -- purchasing for sacrifice at the temple
money then becomes rep. of your blood, tears, sweat, labor
significant way to teach tithing
Elder Nelson -- 
plasma -- blood money 
Biotic Rapport  -- if not, not a sacrifice
gambling -- no biotic rapport -- Elder Oaks 

Solomon's Porch
reconstruction in days of Zarrubabel -- line never changes very much 400 years before -- also Ottoman -- Eastern Wall
Administrative Building -- Royal Portico
money changers on Solomon's porch  36 ft pillars or to inside Royal Basillica
turned into a shopping mall
Wall between court of Gentiles and Court of Israelites
sacred space   -- making the sacred profane
turned into 
enormous income generator  -- 
gouging people
hence Jesus's zeal important
Priestly home -- 4000 sq. feet

Pharisaical -

Sheep Pools 
Herod a thug and murderous jerk, but what a builder
Solomon's Pools -- between Bethlehem and Hebron
Uphill to temple complex
aquaduct system -- moving water uphill 1.8" gradation

75 foot drop from temple complex

John 2:18
the great and last sacrifice -- priestly lens
the principle listeners get it
first public prophecy of his resurrection
Matthew 27:63
 63 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again
John 2: 23- 24 Knew all things 
Paul -- 1 Corinthians 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him:neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.    15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
the natural and fallen cannot understand spiritual things
The Holy Ghost not beholden to some check and balances in the World
No one can bring a judgement to the table that would override or trump what the Spirit would teach you. 
modesty/humility matters
Don't need an appeals process, checks and balances
He does not need ratification.
He expects his disciples to take that position.
Brigham Young:  There has never been a revelation communicated to a prophet in its purity -- coming through a mortal filter -- no imperfections in what God intended.  LDS do not employ doctrine of infallibility
Jesus to go North -- - encounter with Nicodemus 
Sanhedrin -- governing body -- 71 men top of Jewish society -- final word in ritual and civil -- up to civil execution  Acts 7 (Stephen)  
John 7:1 
John 3
Nicodemus -- ruler = in Sanhedrin -- WE
Moses 6 -- sacrifice - born again 

How far were the people traveling to be baptized? 
How much desert around the baptismal site? 
Press Conference -- 

same sex marriage starts to brew in Hawaii in 1993
1996 DOMA
prop 22 
three paths

judiciary                    federal govt                       states
                                  1996    DOMA                    Hawaii 1993 pro
                                                                             Massachusetts state, but not federal
                                                                                 inheritance tax case to Supreme Ct
                                                                            Prop. 22 state code 
rules Prop. 22 unconstitutional                            Prop. 8   amendment to state const.
                                                                            Utah Amendment 3 
                                                                             suit to Supreme Court 
                                 New York couple DOMA
Supreme Court June 2013 rules on DOMA  and state Prop. 8 (state rights issue)
(Roe V. Wade -- premature ruling -- before population allowed to debate)
DOMA Unconstitutional 2013 -- joint tax return fed.
Governor Herbert -- no state tax return
New York about two years ago 
marital status shift based on geographical location
never in history of US marriage right granted, then stripped away
Dec. 2013 -- Judge Shelby -- if unconst. at fed level, must be unconst at state
3rd, 5th, 10th, 13th, 14th
first state to crash Utah -- other states went down after that
11,000 marriages before stopped in Utah
appealed Shelby's opinion 
appeal to Supreme Court -- disenfranchised 
not to hear -- The court has spoken -- it is done

at Federal level -- 3 judge panel in Ohio -- upheld some state's amendments banning same sex marriage
back to Supreme Court -- will hear this case 
decision by June 2015

question -- will some be punished for maintaining a traditional view of marriage

A pe-ri-ko-pay is a section of text from a book or a document. It has been “cut around” and identified as a literary unit. The Bible is made up of myriad literary units or pericopes. To study a verse of Scripture without consideration for the larger literary unit of which it is a part is to take it out of its immediate context.
Matthew 3   -- John

By itself, m°li, like the Hebrew דבשor mel in Latin, can refer equally to honey produced by bees or to any number of other sweet substances, including dates, figs, pods, or sap/gum from carob or other trees. 1 For this reason, Eva Crane warns concerning possible --

John Delynn --   question of authority
Do you believe that John the Baptist holds legal authority to perform saving ordinances?
Jesus comes to him. 
apostate or authorized agent
Authorized priestly line
not in Jerusalem
to be integrated into Judaism -- by virtue of birth -- brought into the Abrahamic tribe through ritual 
baptism into Judaism -- but not for the remission of sins
John bringing remission of sins to the table 
Telling full-blooded Jews that they must submit to baptism.
outside of and in conflict with the power structure at the temple
Sadducces -- don't even believe in resurrection -- don't acknowledge
later when Jesus questions -- not disavow because so many people believed John held authority
had evaporated away -- 
Pearl of Great Price -- Adam's baptism -- the Prophet Joseph Smith 
difficult to find in the text of the Old Testament

David purchases the threshing floor of  ---- for tabernacle
Solomon builds first temple on threshing floor
images planting, harvesting, threshing machine, winnowing
Who is throwing the wheat and chaff into the air -- a judge figure
a judgement is coming
serve as a judge -- will winnow -- not be neutral

need to store the wheat in the garner
Elder Maxwell, Elder Bednar -- the garner is the temple 

Baptism and confirmation is gathering
To the temple is  garner

Someone who had figured out who Jesus was.

John recognizes a higher authority than his own.  Presiding authority
Jesus is the source -- the one who made the possible.

Jesus is the eternal, most potent, cleansing agent for time and all eternity. John gets that. 
(Do you wash your soap?)

Not a bird -- the Holy Ghost appearing as a man -- John and Jesus are seeing a man -- The Holy Ghost -- he then gives a sign -- a sign that was promised to John. Satan cannot come in the sign of the dove.

Facsimile 2 Figure #7 upside down -- picture of the sign of the Holy Ghost

T.P. J.S.   275-276
a token of truth and innocence  

John most likely preaching about 6 months before Jesus came -- 30 the age that you can begin an itinerate mission -- so many followers

ratification of the ordinance
John fulfilling his mission
sealed by the Holy Spirit

unique -- all three members of the Godhead
Holy Ghost explicitly appearing

Matthew 4:2
JST adds communing with God
wilderness fastings -- purpose appears to be 
JS -- at age 12 he possessed all of the capacities and abilities to run the kingdom of God on the earth, but just needed to physically grow up
J. Reuben Clark -- visions of heaven are open to him so He knows what his ministry is -- at age 12

The Adversary comes --

The Spirit taketh Him

11 JST --and Jesus knew that John had been cast into prison -- he sent angels to minister to John 

From Judea to Galilee
John 2 
with disciples
Cana 5, 6, 7 miles away from Nazareth
called to the marriage
not a hermit 
engaging with a variety of people with different perspectives
contrast with Essenes

ruler of feast -- his job to certify the virginity of the bride
at the wedding ceremony in front of the wedding party

wine at the wedding 
a symbol of life and of resurrection
fermentation a mystery to these people
type and symbol of marriage 
two lives when separate barren
become fruitful
birth also miraculous
life come where there was not life before

so much water
6 waterpots of 27 gallons apiece 
stone pots to be filled to the brim
ritual washings 
draw out now and bear unto the governor 
drawing out of a living source of water -- in Greek connotation
living water -- water that flows or comes out of the sky
ritual immersion pool must have a prescribed amount of rain water
not of this earth
vrs. 10  aged wine -- compressed time (Master over time)
Joseph Fielding Smith -- biblical literalism (not inerrancy)  late 40's 1950's
prior to that wide spectrum of belief about how the earth created
2 serious, esteemed scientists -- 
turn of the 20th century
compressed time?  Grand Canyon?

overflowing, no shortage of any kind in His persona

Afterward Jesus is going to go to the Passover
Samaritan woman -- at well -   using a clay pot 
text doesn't tell you that 
link John 2 and John 4 
stone water pots 

Leviticus -- if clay pot receives into any type of unclean substance -- Law of Moses demands that you break it 
stone vessel impervious to ritual contamination
1 Corinthians 10:  He is the Rock 

John 4
Is the woman of Samaria walking away herself and full vessel -- full of living water. 
28 -- left her waterpot

Book of John anciently divided into two sections 
John 1-11 called -- the  Book of Power (the word in Greek translated into Miracle revolves around power -- 7 miracles 
whole, complete 
he numbers the miracles 
11 -- this beginning 
4:54  this is the second. . . . 

John 12-end -- the Book of Glory  from the ministry to the people generally and show you how the Son of God executes the passion, the suffering of a God to save


Mark was written in the late 60s, so finding a copy of Mark in Egypt dating to the 80s is not strange in the least.”

“Mark, being the interpreter of Peter, whatsoever he remembered he wrote accurately, but not however in the order that these things were spoken or done by our Lord. For he neither heard the Lord, nor followed him, but afterwards, as I said, he was with Peter, who did not make a complete [or ordered] account of the Lord’s logia, but constructed his teachings according to chreiai [concise self-contained teachings]. So Mark did nothing wrong in writing down single matters as he remembered them, for he gave special attention to one thing, of not passing by anything he heard, and not falsifying anything in these matters.”
Papias, the Bishop of Hieropolis (wrote c.95 to 120 A.D.

Institute 1-20-15
cousins -- Elizabeth and Zacharius -- Levites
Leviticus 21
prescription for priestly marriage 
someone in the male line had married outside of the priestly (Levitical) line 
okay Leviticus 21

Davidic (line of Judah)  and Levitical  for Mary 
both king and priest 

Gabriel appears on the right side of the altar of incense in the Holy Place 
waiting Numbers 6:22-27  Levitical Benediction 
courses may be as far away as Alexandria in Egypt 
twice a year for one week 
Jewish temple in Egypt in antiquity

Gabriel to Mary -- inside

handmaid -- slave (connotation in Greek)
90 mile journey Mary to Elizabeth
Luke 1  Magnificat 
great reversal
 53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.
Mary and Elizabeth helping each other

Naming the son - 
9 months of silence from Zacharias -
Elizabeth probably not literate -- oral traditions -- 
all access through her priestly husband

Why making signs? suggests he was deaf as well as dumb
music again

What year did Herod the Great die?  4 B.C.  academic, historical, biblical scholarship
Jesus is born just prior to the death of Herod.
murdering all of the babies 3 and under
5-6-7 B.C. 

6 A.D.  Cæsar Augustus 31 BC to 
Cyrenius begins in 6 AD
10 years gap 4 BC to 6 AD 
Governor in Judea
Herod the Great  -- facile king under Roman Power
married Miriam -- Maccabean princess
building things all over the Greco-Roman World
collects his own taxes
can collect his taxes any way he wants to 
Antipus -- Herod Antipus (murders John the Baptist 
Archelaus - takes over Judea -- kicked out by Romans after 9 years 
replaced by Cyreneus  -- governor-- 10 years after the birth of Christ 
Pilot a later governor   -- weigh between his job and Jesus' life

Matthew 1:18 
counted -- people who can be taxed 
(woman's hair -- towel for husband's hands)
familial, ancestral lands -- why Joseph to Bethlehem 
she also owns property?  ancestral lands   Moses --  though uncommon 
Mary Magdala has property
or Joseph is from Bethlehem?  
Mary is from Galilee -- 
arranged marriages 
common to marry a family member like a cousin
bride price to secure her livelihood -- bride price
Joseph may have gone to Nazareth to get his bride and take her back?
or Nazareth-centric ? 

Joseph chooses to divorce her privately --An upright, just son of the law who will follow with great care and charity the prescriptions of the law.
Angelic intervention -- Isaiah 9
Matthew 1:24  
5 visitations reminiscent of Pentatuch -- recommending Joseph

taxing process may have begun with Herod the Great 
Luke may be plugging in a practice of Herod the Great and plugging it in with Cyrenius 

inn -- Khan -- 
rough bed and breakfast
inner court in city where animals could be gathered in -- humans bed down
arriving last in the town -- 
Jack Welch -- swaddling clothes -- overstated -- could abandon a baby -- slave 
a child desired, wanted, cared for  6-8 inches in width 
cold at this time of year 

Jerusalem -- 20 thousand to over a hundred thousand -- men and women 

shepherds Luke 2:8 
kids of the shepherds in the field most nights
but in lambing season -- shepherds there
will leave the field -- 
celestial -- one can become a multitude very quickly --  (the cosmic atonement) 
40 days bleeding has likely stopped --  verse 22 
ritual cleansing process and everyone in her household 
cleansed so can go to the temple
Exodus 13:2
Psalms of Ascent -- 15 steps  
Priestly duty -- provide music
court of the women -- though gate beautiful 
to present him -- to give him to the Father
lamb -- if poor dove -- 

Luke 2: verse 26   Simeon
Verse 36  Anna 
2:39 -- to their own city Nazareth --  Matthew that the scripture might be fulfilled

workers of wood and stone Carpenter

J. Reuben Clark -- by time 12 - shown in vision his mission -- Wist he not 

Luke 2:44 
McConkie -- solo 5 days 
VanDyke -- 3 days

swaddling clothes 


Institute    1-13-15

Birth narratives -- Matthew and Luke
probably added after the gospel accounts are written
becomes a tool by which Matthew and then Luke can further bolster the gospel account they have already recorded
The birth narrative grows out of the gospel account

Luke doesn't include threat to murder Jesus
or wise men

Greco Romans in the gentile world
Luke likely gentile -- likely brought into the church by Paul
Jews look bad -- not the Greeks and Romans
must make the case that this really is a God 
religiously pluralistic Roman world -- no capital T Truth
no supreme god
Mary gets the focus 

Who gets to tell the story?  Who is he audience?
Davidic Geneology 

Matthew is pitting king against king -- creating a second Moses --
Moses has to be taken away to be saved
Herod and Archelaus (deposed by Romans within about 9 years)-- terrible kings 
thousands of Jews slaughtered -- You don't mess with kings

figure in Joseph willing to be guided by dreams and visions
5 dreams move Holy Family -- (number 5 significant -- Pentatuch)

Luke presents a universal saviour

literary point of view -- Luke - a dealbreaker -- not binding himself to historical facts -- 
In Luke -- shepherds -- not a trusted trade -- capacity to gouge you
WE are all sinners and Jesus is for everyone.
Eddershiem -- shepherds tending temple sheep? 
converted to Christianlity 
Luke a universalist

Matthew:  Jesus is the Messiah to the Jews -- and exclusively Jewish story.
rightful king and heir of David

in common the essential elements -- synoptic

Mark doesn't start off with Birth story -- earliest Gospel

Luke might have Mark before him as he writes
Matthew might be aware of Luke?

Luke 60-70 AD
Paul writing down earliest stuff -- 50's

Luke's focus on women a reflection of Jesus' mortal ministry
women included in 
the center of many stories
Luke focuses on that
Luke 1 --

In the day of Solomon priestly class organized into 24 courses
450 workers a day -- Mount Timp  
Each course would serve for two weeks in the temple -- over the course of the year
hundreds in a course

Court of the Women
end of day -- offering of incense
sweet smelling to the Lord
presenting your best to the Lord at the end of the day
Individual priest identified by lot
Most would to their entire life and never have that opportunity

worshippers -- arms raised above head -- symbolic of total submission
Priest to offer a benediction after comes out 
benediction releases the worshippers to go home
at this time, Romans have been identifying who the High Priest will be
Words of Joseph Smith p. 196  Lyndon Cook 
Priesthood line ends without Zacharius having a son
also laying a case before the Lord to call in the blessing of the promised son so his Priesthood line will persist
National, Institutional, Personal

Granted, and then does not believe it 

about 400 people in Nazareth at that time
one primary room, perhaps one bedroom just above it
may bring your animals inside during the night 

foil characters -- Zacharias and Mary 
In Luke -- just Mary and God
John -- Jesus basically being called an illegitimate son by his enemies

When does Joseph find out? 
Elder Holland commended us -- 1997 or 95 -- during the sacrament, reflect upon Joseph (Mary's husband)  
What kind of faith is he exercizing 
Willing to follow dreams, follow visions -- exercise great faith 


Not threat to murder Jesus – slaughter of innocents

The Messiah to the Jews

Showing a second Moses – pitting king against king

Joseph willing to be guided by revelation
Earliest gospel
A universal Savior

showing that the impossible can be possible


Focus on women 

builds links to Old Testament through song

Principle theme: 

from pantheon to monotheism

showing that the impossible can be possible -- with what happened to Mary and the Elizabeth

Kent Brown -- Luke 
Elizabeth and Mary -- cousins? 

James, John, and Jesus probably first cousins

Mary's mother probably has passed away 
eligible to marry 
probably between 12 and 15  qualifies
Joseph probably  around 19 

Mary travels about 100 miles to see Elizabeth 

Luke 1: 15 fulfilled in 44
filled with the Spirit from the womb
45 And blessed is she that believed:
Emphasis on belief, trust 
You don't need status to believe.

Luke brings music to his gospel narrative -- (a gasoline that makes the Old Testament run)
The Psalms get a great deal of attention from Jesus
Lukc pulls from lyrics from the Old Testament -- verse 14
47 -- cross to 1 Samuel 1 and 2  -- Hannah 
   Samuel acknowledged from Dan to Bersheba 

marginalized -- 
The great reversal

Pixner identifies the word Nazareth with Nazrit = to blossom  Church of Annunciation -- looks like a flower from the air 
 Isaiah 11 
out of dry ground -- 
Matthew 1:  17
fourteen --   generations 
D (fourth letter -- no numerical 
V   6
D   4
no vowels -- 
Connecting Jesus Christ to David

14 double 7 -- 7 fulfills Abrahamic covenant? 

all of the Gospels quoting a central source -- Q -- central source
oral tradition 
David Bachavoy -- source 

Next Week -- John the Baptist

John 1 
  • JST, John 1:1–34.
  • 30 And John bare record of him unto the people, saying, This is he of whom I said; After me cometh a man who is preferred before me; for he was before me, and I knew him, and that he should be made manifest to Israel; therefore am I come baptizing with water.
See JST John 6:44

greatest mysteries -- Atonement, creation
We don't know much -- according to Bruce R. McConkie 
perdition -- rejecting the possibility of Christ's legitimacy -- 
Satan = accuser == the accusation is that the Atonement is not legitimate -- 
looking forward to the atonement -- looking back

Archbishop -- Permanent Observer to the United Nations -- April 13 -- 1 day conference 
reception about 5 pm meeting start at 9 am

Series of books on Mormon Theology -- apologetics -- to defend  apologeia (Greek)
Prominent Mormon Apologist:  Dan Peterson (worked with Neal Maxwell in establishing FARMS,  FAIR,   FARMS (High Nibley), Welch,  
assumes the answer in advance, 
rules of the academy
The Learning Channel -- all about Mormons
Meridian -- Hancock 

John the Beloved  --   angels   -- Name means Jehovah is gracious
1 Nephi 8 
stewardship to receive knowledge and convey it
Mark 1: 15-20
Brother of James -- murdered in Acts 12
Sons of Thunder -- James and John 
temple on the brain -- 
Eusebeus -- quotes early bishop in the Church 190 AD  ---   indicates that John of the priestly lineage -- wore the sacredotal plate   --  a member of the priestly class -- 
The most fantastic building in the area -- part of the ritual infrastructure of that building
Watch for Temple imagery
John writing in the 90's AD 

bring them to stand in the presence of God
Chapter 1: Christ laid out as the paramount authority in the universe, sent by the Father to     and redeem. 
2. miracle  water and wine (blood)
3. bread of life 
Feast of Tabernacles -- the Light of the World (and the water) 
Altar of Incense -- Intermediary prayer John 17 
crucifixion, resurrection, reuniting with the Father, resurrection

at issue from priestly perspective == Cherubum over the Mercy Seat  -- Holy Place -- 
to get into the Holy place -- altar with blood and fire 
laver -- water
a union with God 

anointing John 12 --

John sees raising the dead, Gethsemene,   resurrection, transfiguration 
daughter of Jarius  

Aaronic priesthood 
tipping point  -- transfiguration --  Melchezedik  -- doing things only a God could do, moving toward something only a God could do. 

Joseph restoring the concept of High Priest -- very Old Testament

McConkie on ordinances in the Bible -- every word we experience in the temple today, they would have experienced. 

1 Corinthians twenty years after the 

TPJS  308  - page --- ordinances don't change -- same as required of Adam 

Cuba dedicated about 2 years ago

Joseph Smith said 3 Nephites and John the Beloved -- ministering to the lost tribes of Israel

JSTranslation -- 
In the beginning. . . . .. (bold opening)  
declaration that there was another new beginning 
comes with Jesus Christ 

The word -- the Gospel 
Gospel, life, light 

Coming to understand what the Saviour would bring -- demands something beyond what this world can provide -- 
John the Baptist

JST John   1:12

spectrum of choices in the pre-earth life 
we all maintained that status as sons and daughters of God
When did we figure out that Jesus would be our Savior

Jesus NOT chosen in the Council of Heaven  
elevated by virtue of being the first born
by virtue of his perfection 
by virtue of the fact that He reached Godhood

"huddle up with the Father":   How can we help everybody else?
He is my Saviour  for eons before earth life
The Lamb slain from before the foundations of the world
John's revelations

We repented in the pre-earth life. 
not perfect -- noble, great, but not perfect
Alma 13 -- left to choose
agency dynamic
Atonement in place

the call came long before you sustained the bishop -- a pattern for what happened in the pre-earth life 
infinite atonement 
greatest mysteries -- Atonement, creation
We don't know much -- according to Bruce R. McConkie 
perdition -- rejecting the possibility of Christ's legitimacy -- 
Satan = accuser == the accusation is that the Atonement is not legitimate -- 
looking forward to the atonement -- looking back

When you came to this earth -- King Benjamin born into sin
D&C  29   maturing into agency
accountability, capacity, mature use of agency
born under the influence of the fall
un-soned -- un-daughtered   When born  -- cut off for a time 
Need the Saviour Jesus Christ to bring you to be an heir
temple -- brought back into the presence of the Father 
You become the son or daughter again
John 1:12 
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
temple  re-soning and re-daughtering you 
Moses 5: 58-59
58 And thus the Gospel began to be preached, from the beginning, being declared by holy angels sent forth from the presence of God, and by his own voice, and by the gift of the Holy Ghost.
 59 And thus all things were confirmed unto Adam, by an holy ordinance, and the Gospel preached,and a decree sent forth, that it should be in the world, until the end thereof; and thus it was. Amen.
We were taught the plan in the pre-earth life.

The Power of Godliness manifest in Melchezidek priesthood 
dispensed by angelic ministers -- restoration

Next time John 1 then to Luke and Matthew

stop the work physically
invitation to come down
open letter accusing them of rebelling 
hired a false prophet to shake the feelings of Nehemiah and Co. 

doors of Salt Lake Temple blown off 
Elder Packer 
not ever mentions -
Why be concerned about that?
Summer 1970
To Those Who Teach in Troubled Times

In all my years with the Quorum of the Twelve, I have never seen fear. 

Religious Reformation
Nehemiah 8:1
Luke 4
Jesus standing up to read the law
The words of the scripture higher than anything mortals could communicate

Prayer merged with total and complete submission
Nehemiah 8:8 

Ezra identified as the one who would bring the scriptures to the common individual --
discussed a way they haven't been discussed for ages.

refugee -
one thing lost -- common understanding of and access to the scriptures.

The building does not a holy people make.
People must be drawn individually, then collectively to the Lord. 

reintroduced to the Sabbath -- other most fundamental aspects of Judaism

Spiritual refugees 

first cuttings of barley
first cuttings of wheat
feast of tabernacles  Yom Kippur

harvest -- all is safely gathered in 
Ushpizin  -- movie

9:29  withdrawing your shoulder
3: 5 their nobles put not their necks . . . . 

The Out Migration from the Wasatch Front

Nehemiah 13:18 Observance of the Sabbath

helping the people guard their hearts and convictions
from guarding from outside forces to guarding from internal implosion
playing the card of precedent
Nehemiah 13:31 
 Remember me, O my God,for good.

Zechariah = remember the Lord 
Chapter 2  Do the people measure up?

pay attention to tenses

towns without walls -- no need for security

mountain bike and grizzly bear

2:6 Santa Claus in the Old Testament

north -- furthest limit -- not one outside this invitation

What forgiveness is like Zechariah 3:4

Isaiah 11
D&C 113

Joshua means Jehovah saves 
The Savior cleanses us -- gives us outward reminders -- we get to serve with him.

The Branch 
iniquity -- the iniquity of the entire earth can be removed in one day. 
finish  Zechariah 
2 more weeks
first and second coming

Givens  -- Wrestling with Angels
300 words a day
Like Outliers  -- 10,000 hours
This is the way we work together
people doing consistently good things 
   consistently productive

like a war chapter in the Book of Mormon

That level of defense required today

Nehemiah 4:17 

warns by blowing he shafar
  1. a sleeveless coat of mail or scale armor.

verse 5 financial captivity
mortgaging a promised land 

leaving a great work to come down

There is Work to do in 2014
Thompson Poem 

The veil would have to be lifted for you to know nothing has happened -- in response to your prayer -- Psalm 23 -- 
a richness, a fullness -- Jesus atoning the fullest
Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life -- surely
covenant Israel experiencing levels of protection 

The Hounds of Heaven -- pursued -- 
(The Graveyard Book)

Angels before behind 

Psalm 23:6
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow  (pursue) me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of theLord for ever.

With Jesus Through Galilee

Bargil Pixner --  Catholic Priest -- lived on Mount Zion -- lived traditional site of Mary's burial
archeological, etc. scholar -- work on Galilee 
The Fifth Gospel  -- the geography and weather testify of Jesus's mission. ???
Isaiah 11 word attached to Isaiah 11 -- root 
Nazareth -- why named -- 
We are descendants of Judah and the Savior will likely be born here.
The Messiah is on the mind of every Jew -- 
400 people there at Jesus's day


crowns for Jeroboam and Rehoboam
Soloman -- picture